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Dan Friedman

ByDan Friedman, Dan Friedman IN New york City


How Ilhan Omar’s tweet provided a teachable moment

The Democratic congresswoman's seemingly heartfelt apology flies against those expecting more political division and bigoted language

February 12, 2019 17:52
Democratic congresswoman for Minnesota Ilhan Omar
2 min read

Democratic congresswoman Ilhan Omar was in hot water again over the weekend when she tweeted out an antisemitic comment in response to activist-writer Glenn Greenwald’s note on her Israel stance.

But, encouragingly, after a quick and seemingly heartfelt apology, the outcome seems to have led a teachable moment.

And that’s a relief at a moment where we might have expected a cementing of political division and bigoted language in the Israel debate.

In a double-barrelled comment, the representative from Minneapolis tweeted on Sunday about Jewish money influencing American politics.