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Nathan Jeffay

ByNathan Jeffay, Nathan Jeffay


Educational gaps growing in Israel

May 26, 2011 12:54
1 min read

New education league tables in Israel indicate that there is a growing gap between the level of education received by students in poor and wealthy areas.

Given the strong socialist-Zionist ethos in the early decades of Israeli statehood, the country's education system was avowedly public.

Citing the traditional Jewish emphasis on education and the Zionist value of helping immigrants from across the globe to live and earn in Israel, the country's leaders presented education as the key to creating an equal society.

But in the Education Ministry's latest tables on pass rates for end-of-high-school exams, the ten towns that fare the best are wealthy and in the centre of the country, while at the bottom of the table are 150 poor towns, most of which are in the periphery.