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Barack Obama is not the Israel-basher now

February 24, 2011 13:56
24022011 AP110214060466
1 min read

There is a fascinating detail arising from the American decision to veto last week's UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements in east Jerusalem and the West Bank as "illegal".

To those who regard the Security Council as the supreme legislative arena for the formulation of international law, it must be questionable whether Israeli settlements can now be called "illegal", since the proposition that they are has just failed to be affirmed. This would suggest that the United Nations is unable to come to a clear decision on the matter, pushing it into a legal no-man's land.

Common sense has always suggested that this is exactly the legal and ethical space that the settlements should occupy, which is why, as we now know from recently leaked documents, the Palestinians have been prepared to concede that practically all the settlements in Jerusalem would become part of Israel under a peace deal.

But it's not just common sense. The legal situation itself has never been as clear cut as participants in the global deligitimisation campaign have often
tried to suggest.