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Anshel Pfeffer

ByAnshel Pfeffer, Anshel Pfeffer


Analysis: Should Israel swap one man for many?

February 12, 2009 13:09
2 min read

The impending deal over the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners — many serving life sentences for terror — to secure the return of Gilad Shilat, touches upon one of the most sensitive points in the collective Israeli psyche.

It also an issue with immense political, security and social ramifications, whether in terms of the price being paid for his release, or the implications of allowing him to continue languishing in captivity.

Rami Igra, the former head of Mossad’s Prisoners and MIAs department, opposes such deals.

“The price that is currently being discussed,” he says, “is above and beyond the country’s capabilities. This issue has to be approached with a cold and practical attitude, not with all the sentimental feelings of wanting to return a child to his parents.” Mr Igra blames politicians for an “election eve spin” surrounding the latest reports and lists four reasons that the proposed deal should not go through.