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An introduction to Zen Judaism

September 12, 2008 12:11
6 min read

Why do we need a new version of Judaism?


This introduction to this article (inheavy type) was written on 21.10.98 for the Limmud Conference.   The article was originally written in 1992 and updated in 1994 and 1996.   At this very moment peace talks are once again in thebalance between Israel and the Palestinians and the Jewish state is trying tofind a peaceful and secure way of living in an ever changing and threateningworld.   For individual Jewsthis is also the challenge - to find peace,  both inner and outer in world full of change and uncertainty.    This article proposes that even within the Jewish religion there is restless and very troubled state, almost amounting to war on occasions.  Most recently we have had Orthodoxy attempting to decide through laws enacted in Israel that Reform Jews are not'proper' Jews.   There have also been various wars of words between Orthodox and Reform in this countrywhere the idea of peaceful coexistence and understanding seems the farthest thing from anyone's mind. It seems ironic that Religion and Prayer lead to disagreement and War, rather than understanding and Peace.  It may be as well to remember the the Golden Rule of every religion variously expressed is 'Love thy neighbour as thyself".