I had no time for breakfast today.
We were late for school, so a glass of water and a slurp of the children's smoothie was all I managed before we left the house.
When I eventually returned, I had no time to muck about cooking. I'm over porridge for this week — I know a bowl of oats is good for me, but I much prefer a bit of bread.
A root around the freezer unearthed a wholemeal bagel. (Bingo.) Summer tomatoes — that actually taste of something — are sitting on my kitchen counter (never refrigerate them or you lose the flavour) and the avocadoes in my fridge are (for once) perfectly ripe.
To bring it all together I drizzled olive oil that I recently received from start-up The Artisan Olive Oil Company after fessing up (here) to my new status as olive oil snob. A sprinkle of sea salt finished it off.

The golden, peppery oil — Oro Bailen — which is made by Spanish producer, Jose Galvez, is fruity with a real peppery kick and transformed my simple snack into a gourmet breakfast of champions. Healthy fats, wholegrain and fruity tomatoes. (A sprinkle of peppery basil leaves would have improved it even further.)

That's all.