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An attack on a poppy seller would be an attack on us all

The weekly protests are a protest against Britain, we must resist them

November 8, 2023 17:20
Magen David markers in memory of Jewish soldiers
3 min read

There was always going to be a first attack. Personally, I was convinced it was going to be a Jew, or at least an Israel supporter. A few weeks ago, in those innocent days when counter-protesters still dared to appear on the sidelines of the marches, the Iranian activist Vahid Beheshdi was pursued by the mob and threatened with beheading. The police protected him. But so far as I can see, he wasn’t attacked simply for representing Britain. Not like the alleged attack on a poppy seller.

This week, a 78-year-old veteran by the name of Jim Henderson, who served in Northern Ireland, said he was assaulted while manning a stall at Edinburgh’s Waverley Station. Social media footage showed him trying to escape, wearing his red beret. "I went down, and as I bent down someone punched me in the back," he said. "And then I got another punch in my side. I’ve never known anything like it." Revealingly, he added his impressions of the crowd. "Chanting," he said. "Saying it’s all about the British Government, British people, Jews."

The British Government, British people, Jews. What does this bring to mind? During the Second World War, Hitler figured the Allied powers as the Jewish people’s puppets, blaming them for the evil of the War. Remember the Der Stürmer slogan, "Die Juden sind unser Unglück" ‘the Jews are our misfortune’? Remember the propaganda poster from 1942 showing a sinister Jew lurking behind the flags of Britain, the United States and others, accompanied by the words, "Hinter den Feindmächten: der Jude’, or ‘behind the enemy powers: the Jew’?

As I said, I thought it was going to be a Jew. In Lyon, a 30-year-old Jewish woman was stabbed and had a swastika daubed on her door. In Los Angeles, a Jewish man lost his life after being struck on the head with a megaphone. But no: in Britain,allegedly it was a poppy seller.