The Stakhanovite Tom Gross has this example on his site of how the BBC (to continue the theme of my post below) defines objectivity. Here's how it's kiddie section describes 9/11:
Guides: 11 September 2001 attacksLast Updated: Friday June 29 2007 10:33 GMT
Why did they do it?
The way America has got involved in conflicts in regions like the Middle East has made some people very angry, including a group called al-Qaeda - who are widely thought to have been behind the attacks.
In the past, al-Qaeda leaders have declared a holy war - called a jihad - against the US. As part of this jihad, al-Qaeda members believe attacking US targets is something they should do.
When the attacks happened in 2001, there were a number of US troops in a country called Saudi Arabia, and the leader of al-Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, said he wanted them to leave.
As Tom puts it:
It is not quite the al-Qaeda view, but it almost is.