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A rabbi tried to stop me marrying a black man

Nineteen years on, we are a loving couple with three children - and the minister has not apologised, nor even acknowledged the hurt he caused

June 11, 2020 14:37
3 min read

In the wake of George Floyd’s murder and the Chief Rabbi urging us to challenge racism wherever we see it, I write my story here in the hope that my words may reach someone’s heart and trigger some action.

About 20 years ago my father asked me and my then-fiance (now husband of nearly 19 years and devoted father to our three children) to go and speak with his Orthodox rabbi at the rabbi’s home. 

My father was hoping that the rabbi would manage to persuade us that getting married was not a good idea. This was supposedly because my husband is not Jewish, but also, we both knew very clearly, because he is black. 

It was an awkward meeting for us all. My husband and I were there simply out of duty and respect to my father and the rabbi was fulfilling his duty to a congregant.