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A new Israeli nation is arising from the smoke of battle

Rabbi Captain Avi Goldberg was a warrior rabbi fighting for the nation, the first for centuries to have taken this dual military leadership role so familiar to us from the Hebrew bible

November 7, 2024 09:55
Rabbi Captain Avi Goldberg
Rabbi Captain Avi Goldberg
3 min read

Living a meaningful life is a challenge. In Israel, we are now being taught what it is to have a meaningful death.

In the space of seven terrible days last month, 17 Israeli soldiers were killed in Lebanon and nine fell in Gaza.

The ever-deepening fury over Charedi men evading the draft obscures the fact that the modern orthodox display conspicuous courage in military service. While secular soldiers are also performing acts of supreme heroism, the eagerness of the modern orthodox to put themselves on the dangerous front lines means they are suffering a disproportionate toll of those killed or injured.

One of the very best of the best fell in the carnage in Lebanon during that dreadful week. Rabbi Captain Avi Goldberg, the father of eight children and a teacher at a Jerusalem high school, was killed alongside three other members of his unit when it was ambushed while clearing an area of terrorists.