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Colin Shindler

ByColin Shindler, Colin Shindler


A challenging place for Jewish students but they are better for it

March 5, 2015 12:35
2 min read

The Qatari-owned website Al Araby proudly proclaimed that "SOAS becomes the first UK university to boycott Israel".

This was patently untrue. It was not "SOAS" the institution that voted - not the governing body, not the administration, not even formally the lecturers' union, but an invented "SOAS community". Anyone could vote who wanted to - including the SOAS cleaners and security guards.

The results of the student-led BDS referendum by this "SOAS community" demonstrated that 74 per cent of students did not vote for the motion- and this stretches to 86 per cent if the distance-learning students are included.

SOAS is unusual in London colleges in that its first-class programmes rightly attract many students from the Arab and Islamic worlds - and they would understandably vote for BDS.