The Jewish Chronicle

On this day: UN votes for Jewish state

November 29, 2010 13:55
Israeli flag

ByKatie Taylor, Katie Taylor

1 min read

It is a day that is not remembered, celebrated or even marked down on any calendar, but today is the 63rd anniversary of one of the most momentous events in Jewish history. It is the day that the state of Israel was created.

The United Nations submitted its partition plan in August 1947 and three months later, on November 29, it was affirmed - although the British were still in command of Palestine until May 1948.

The plan was devised by the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, (UNSCOP), which was created after World War ll amid emerging evidence of the Holocaust.

Other partition plans had been discussed previously by Britain, which operated the mandate over Palestine after world War l. Britain had proposed dividing up the country into Arab and Jewish sections with Jerusalem as a neutral ground.