The Jewish Chronicle

On this day: Michael Schwerner and Andrew Goodman killed

June 21 1964: Murder at the hands of the Klu Klux Klan

June 21, 2011 15:49

ByAnna Slater, Anna Slater

1 min read

Michael Schwerner, or "Mickey" as he was known to his friends, and Andrew Goodman, were political rights activists – a job that caused their untimely death by the Klu Klux Klan.

Mr Schwerner and Mr Goodman met when they both joined the Congress on Racial Equality in Meridian, Mississippi to take part in Freedom Summer.

The scheme was intended to put an end to the political disenfranchisement of African American's in the Deep South.

Mr Schwerner earned the hatred of the local KKK by organizing a boycott of a variety shop until it hired its first African American.

On 21st June 1964, Mr Schwerner and Mr Goodman, along with fellow activist James Chaney, went to Longdale to visit Mt. Zion Methodist Church – a building that had been fire-bombed by the Klu Klux Klan.

On their way home, the three men were arrested by Deputy Sherriff Cecil Price for an alleged traffic violation and taken to Neshoba County Jail.

They were released that evening and on their way home, they were stopped by two carloads of KKK members on a remote rural road.

The men approached their car and shot the three men.

Their bodies were not discovered until early August.2011.

What the JC said:About 2,200 people attended the funeral in New York on Sunday of Andrew Goodman, the 20-year-old Jewish student from Queens College whose body was found in a shallow grave in Mississippi State last week. With Michael Schwerner, 24, another Jew, and James Chanry, a Negro, Goodman took part in A Summer Campaign by college students to register Negro voters in Mississippi. He bodies of the tree men, who have been missing since June 21, were found by agents of the FBI in shallow graves.

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