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The Jewish Chronicle

On this day: Alfred Dreyfus is arrested for spying

October 15 1894: The start of the Dreyfus Affair

November 24, 2016 21:59
i accuse 0

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

The Dreyfus Affair will go down in history as one of the great injustices in European Jewish history and as one of the events that spurred on the Zionist movement.

The French army were concerned that someone in their ranks was passing military information to Germany. Suspicion fell on a Jewish artillery officer, a graduate of the elite Polytechnic Grande Ecole, named Albert Dreyfus.

After his arrest, Dreyfus was court martialled, convicted and stripped of his rank. On January 5 1895, in front of a crowd of 20,000, he was sentenced to life imprisonment on Devil’s Island in South America. “Vive la France, vive l’armée!” - “Long live France, long live the army!” - he cried before being exiled.

But in 1896, the press began reporting that another man was behind the treason, and that Dreyfus had been made a scapegoat. The case exposed the antisemitism in parts of the French establishment and a campaign began to secure his freedom fronted by intellectuals and artists, including writer Emile Zola, who sent out the famous J’accuse letter.