The Jewish Chronicle

NUS fails to mention Israel in solidarity statement for victims of terror attacks

December 2, 2015 09:15
NUS president Megan Dunn (Photo: Twitter/NUS)

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

The Union of Jewish Students has called on the National Union of Students to apologise for omitting Israel in a solidarity statement for countries that have been victims of terror attacks in the last year.

Speaking at the NUS National Executive Council meeting today NUS president Megan Dunn named France, Nigeria, Lebanon, Turkey, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Kenya, Palestine, and Mali as countries where civilians had been murdered in attacks by “paramilitary organisations”, yet failed to mention Israel.

“We mourn for the victims of the attacks and stand in solidarity with the families and friends of all those affected in these acts of violence and stand in solidarity with citizens across the world who are suffering at the hands of violence and discrimination,” said Ms Dunn.

In a statement the UJS said they were “incredibly disappointed” at the omission.

The UJS statement said: “The inclusion in the list of Palestine and the deliberate omission of Israel is an insult to the victims of terror there in the last few months. The very fact that the civilians who have been stabbed, run over or shot in the streets are not even included in this statement is cause for concern.

“We call on NUS to publically apologise to all those offended by this omission and to make it clear that they stand with all victims of terror. UJS condemns terrorism in all of its forms and are sad to see that others are not able to do this.”