Budding thespians at Nottingham Liberal Synagogue performed a play about Ruth Matiovska, a member and Shoah survivor, in front of a packed audience as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations.
The play, Ruth's Story, was specially adapted for children's participation from a script by the shul's Austerlitz Scroll Group. The play tells the story of Ms Matiovska who was deported at the age of 11 from Austerlitz-Slavkov in the former Czechoslovakia, together with her parents and all its Jews. She and her parents survived Terezin camp before returning to her former home where she still lives. Ms Matiovska was made an honorary member of the congregation 20 years ago.
The play was staged on a Saturday evening following an annual Austerlitz Shabbat service that was attended by guests with family links to Austerlitz-Slavkov.
The adaptation was carried out by Debbie Moss, who said the participation "of so many of the talented younger members of the community - many who have visited Austerlitz-Slavkov and met Ruth, was particularly satisfying".