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The Jewish Chronicle

Not sleeping in a succah

September 24, 2015 13:06

ByRabbi Julian Sinclair, Rabbi Julian Sinclair

1 min read

A simple survey will suffice to show that most Jews outside Israel do not sleep in the succah during Succot, even if they have one. (In Israel many people do.)

This has been a puzzle for the poskim (halachic decision-makers) for centuries. According to the authoritative sources, the mitzvah to sleep in the succah is even stronger than that of eating there.

While we may have a snack outside the succah, according to the Talmud and halachic sources, one should not take a nap except in the succah (Talmud Succot 28b).

The Rama suggested two reasons in defence of Jews of his time and place (16th-century Poland) who did not sleep in their succah; it was cold (surprise!) and they could not sleep with their wives in the succah as they did not have privacy.