
Yavneh Primary given green light for September opening

April 20, 2016 10:04
Yavneh School

ByCharlotte Oliver, Charlotte Oliver

1 min read

Yavneh Primary will definitely open in September with 60 pupils, after signing its funding agreement with the Department for Education.

In a letter written to Hertsmere MP Oliver Dowden, Lord Nash, the parliamentary under Secretary of State for Schools, confirmed the government would be funding the free school, after first approving its formation last September.

Lord Nash wrote: “Free schools form an integral part of the government’s education policy to improve choice and drive up standards in schools.

“I am therefore delighted that Yavneh Primary School will open in September 2016, helping to meet the need for additional primary school places in the area and bringing new opportunities for children in your constituency.”

The school will open in September next to Yavneh College in Borehamwood with a two-form reception class, and will have a maximum capacity of 420 pupils.

Spencer Lewis, executive headteacher of the Yavneh schools, said the primary school had received 152 applications in its first year of admissions. There are now 92 people on its waiting list.

Although, as a free school,Yavneh can only guarantee half of its places to Jewish children, the school would not elaborate on what the breakdown of Jewish and non-Jewish children will look like for September.

Mr Lewis said: “Our vision of providing first class Jewish and general education to children of 4-19 years is finally coming to fruition, and we could not be happier.”

After receiving the confirmation letter from Lord Nash, the school’s Local MP Mr Dowden added: “This is great news for the community, providing much needed additional primary school places.”