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University president fired after trying to lure subordinate to his office with a knish

Mark Schlissel was sacked from his £700,000 a year job for a relationship with an employee

January 17, 2022 16:26
shlissel michigan
1 min read

A university president has lost his job after having an affair with a subordinate in which he tried to tempt her to visit his office with the promise of a Knish.

Mark Schlissel, who lost his job after an internal investigation revealed his affair, was the president of the University of Michigan, one of the largest public colleges in America. He commanded a salary of nearly $1,000,000, making him one of the highest-paid public officials in the state.

Schlissel had held his position at Michigan since 2014 and was fired by the school's Board of Regents, who released a 118 page document detailing his relationship with an individual who worked beneath him at the university.

In a statement, the University board said: “After an investigation, we learned that Dr. Schlissel, over a period of years, used his University email account to communicate with that subordinate in a manner inconsistent with the dignity and reputation of the University."