
Twenty Jewish schools in Paris reportedly evacuated after bomb threat

Police are said to be searching schools across the city for explosives

October 30, 2023 13:01
France Pro Palestine Protest 1 Credit getty
TOPSHOT - Protestors light flares and wave Palestinian flags during an unauthorized demonstration in support of Palestinians at Place de la Republique in Paris, on October 12, 2023. France on October 12, 2023 said it was banning all pro-Palestinian demonstrations after the attack on Israel by Hamas, on the grounds such protests threaten to public order. Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said that the demonstrations "are likely to generate disturbances to public order" adding that organisers should face arrest. Fighting between Israel and Hamas has entered a sixth day following the assault on Israel by the Palestinian militant group on October 7, which has claimed thousands of lives on both sides. (Photo by Dimitar DILKOFF / AFP) (Photo by DIMITAR DILKOFF/AFP via Getty Images)
1 min read

Students at multiple Jewish schools across Paris were reportedly sent home this morning after an anonymous bomb threat was called in.

The threat was targeted toward “20 Jewish schools in the Paris area” several sources in the Jewish community source told The Jerusalem Post.

The JC has not yet been able to independently verify the threat.

The publication quoted sources as saying: "There was a bomb threat towards many Jewish schools. Some of these schools have been evacuated. In most schools, parents were asked to take their children home."

Police are currently searching the schools, an unnamed source said.

They added: "Even though everyone is okay, this event caused panic among parents. We're going through a rough period and the situation in Israel has its effect on us as well."

France is home to one of the world's largest Jewish communities outside of Israel. Ir is second to the United States with a population of about 500,000, half of whom live in Paris.

Since October 7, French authorities have recorded more than 800 antisemitic crimes, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin told the country's BFM TV network on Monday.

During October almost double the number of antisemitic incidents were recorded than for the whole of 2022, according to Darmanin. So far, 414 people have been arrested.

"I understand the fear that French people of Jewish origin are experiencing, and I want to tell them that they are protected," Darmanin said.

"We are putting very substantial resources into protecting French people of Jewish faith, synagogues, schools, as well as other communal places," he added.