A Chicago-based television station broadcasted a news feature on Yom Kippur using a background image associated with the Nazis.
The presenter of WGN TV's feature about Yom Kippur last week sat in front of a photo of the yellow Star of David that the Nazis forced Jews to wear during the Holocaust.
When horrified viewers pointed out the mistake, the station said the picture had been taken from its image bank, and they had "failed to recognise that the image was an offensive Nazi symbol".
WGN said in a statement: "We are extremely embarrassed and we deeply apologise to our viewers and to the Jewish community for this mistake. Ignorance is not an excuse."
European Jews were legally required to wear the yellow badge on their clothing, beginning after Kristallnacht in November, 1938, but the practice of forcing Jews to don an identifying badge dates back to the 13th century.