
Trump strategist's planned film: US Jews 'enablers' of Jihad

An outline written for a documentary in 2007 refers to the 'American Jewish community' as one of the groups "enabling" Jihad in the United States.

February 5, 2017 15:17
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1 min read

Donald Trump’s chief strategist was responsible for a documentary proposal which labelled the “American Jewish community” as being part of a group of “enablers” of Jihad, it has emerged.

Steve Bannon, the former editor of the far-Right Breitbart news site, made several right wing documentaries during the 2000’s. As reported by the Washington Post on Friday, in 2007 a draft was put together for a documentary called “The Islamic States of America”, which warned of radical Muslims and “their enablers among us”. Despite having the “best intentions”, said the documentary outline, groups such as major media outlets, the “Universities and the Left”, the “American Jewish community” and national security organisations” were paving the way to “the establishment of an Islamic Republic in the United States.”

The movie outline lists Mr Bannon as both the project’s director and co-writer, together with Julia Jones. Ms Jones confirmed to the Post that the script was real and described the contents as “all his [Bannon’s] words”.

Mr Bannon has been accused of both antisemitism and islamophobia in the past. His ex-wife testified under oath that when they were sending their children to school, Mr Bannon “said that he doesn’t like Jews and that he doesn’t like the way they raise their kids to be ‘whiny brats’ and that he didn’t want the girls going to school with Jews.” A spokeswoman for Mr Bannon denied the allegations.

Mr Bannon would regularly host anti-Muslim guests on his Breitbart radio show. A year ago, he said that Islam was “much darker” than the rise of Fascism before the Second World War.

Donald Trump has designated Mr Bannon to become a member of National Security Council’s Principals Committee, a high level forum which is usually made up of high ranking members of the intelligence agencies and senior military figures. Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security Advisor, was quoted by the New York Times as calling the decision to elevate Mr Bannon to the committee “stone-cold crazy”.