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The torture culture on the West Bank is an open secret

Cruel and vicious treatment of detainees has been endemic for decades, despite millions of pounds in British taxpayers' money being spent on training Palestinian security forces to make them more 'accountable'

August 25, 2022 13:17
exclusive 2
3 min read

Torture on the West Bank — particularly in the notorious Jericho basement interrogation centre known as the “slaughterhouse” — has been endemic for decades, despite tens of millions of pounds in British taxpayers' money being spent on training Palestinian security forces and making them more “accountable”.

Some victims have defied threats from the Palestinian Authority (PA) to break their silence about their suffering. Speaking to the JC in Ramallah on condition of anonymity, a man who had been detained at the “slaughterhouse” for 40 days said:

“They beat me on the hands and the arms. They placed me in stress positions and beat me on the legs and on my feet. When I told them I was suffering from toothache, they broke my tooth. This was so painful I thought I was going to die.”

The 42-year-old, who had been accused of planning a terrorist attack on a police station, was later released without charge.

Similar evidence has been published in reports by human rights organisations for years. In 2018, Human Rights Watch said torture by Palestinian forces appeared to be a “crime against humanity”, adding in June this year that abuse remained “systemic”.

The international community is aware of the problem. In July, the UN Committee Against Torture said it was “seriously concerned” by the “consistent reports” of torture taking place in Palestinian detention centres and police stations.

But Ziyad Habalreeh, the PA’s Minister of the Interior, told the committee that “Palestine is opposed to torture” while Israel “legalises and sanctions it”.
In response, however, the only action taken by the UN was to recommend that the PA “prosecute torturers and punish them”.

This has made little difference. Only last week, journalist Mujahed Tabjana, who had been detained after publicly criticising the PA, was freed from Juneid prison in Nablus.

He said: “I was beaten on arrival. I was hit with a hose, kicked, placed in stress positions for many hours, asked about my work and my friends and colleagues. This went on for days and nights.”

One sadistic technique that has become widespread, the JC has learnt, is forcing a prisoner to try to climb a picture of a ladder painted on a wall and beating him when he fails, inflicting both psychological and physical torture at once.

More traditional methods include “shabbeh”, or tying victims up in stress positions which become agonising over time. In one pose, known as the “banana”, a prisoner is hog-tied while bent backwards over a chair.