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Survey shows Israelis to be among world’s most liberal

May 1, 2014 08:35
Revellers at Gay Pride Tel Aviv (Photo: Flash 90)

ByNathan Jeffay, Nathan Jeffay

2 min read

In an international “morality” survey, Israelis have emerged as more relaxed than the average global citizen on a range of issues including homosexuality and pre-marital sex.

Across the 40 countries surveyed by the Pew Research Centre, an average of 46 per cent of respondents said that pre-marital sex was wrong and 24 per cent said it was acceptable. In Israel, fewer people disapproved — 37 per cent. Approval of pre-marital sex was some 12 per cent above than the global average.

On homosexuality, 59 per cent of people across all nationalities said it was unacceptable, while only 43 per cent of Israelis took this view. Only 20 per cent globally said that homosexuality was acceptable, but in Israel the figure was 27 per cent.

What is more, one in four Israelis said that homosexuality was not an issue for moral judgment, while among everyone polled only 13 per cent voiced this opinion.