
Soccer thugs jailed over hate attack

October 31, 2013 19:03

ByBernard Josephs, Bernard Josephs

1 min read

Two far-right Italian football thugs who took part in a vicious attack against Tottenham Hotspur fans in a Rome pub last November have been found guilty of assault and grievous bodily harm.

Appearing in a court in Rome, Mauro Pinnelli, 26, was sentenced to five and a half years in jail and Franceco Ianari, 27, received a sentence of four and a half years.

They were among a group of so-called “Ultra” Roma and Lazio fans who screamed antisemitic slogans as they launched a violent assault on Spurs supporters drinking quietly in the Drunken Ship.

The Italians, donning motorcycle helmets and armed with iron poles, knives and knuckle dusters, hurled themselves at the Tottenham supporters, leaving several of them bleeding and at least one suffering serious stab wounds.

Police said the assault, which took place on the eve of a Europa Cup tie between Spurs and Lazio, was “premeditated and well organised”.

Another 10 people are being investigated over the attack.