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Shul security and the rabbis with guns

Shuls should learn to shoot on sight, says ex-New York cop

September 3, 2009 10:32
Guns ‘n’ rabbis: Rabbi Moscowitz (far right) trains his students for a fire-fight with terrorists in a New York beth midrash. The exercises include  “covering” each other and learning to act as a unit

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

They call themselves The International Security Coalition of Clergy.

But you can think of them as The God Squad — armed rabbis and priests ready to leap from the bimah, or the pulpit, to tackle and kill terrorists.

The coalition is led by Rabbi Gary Moscowitz, 52, a fast-talking martial arts instructor and former New York police officer, who says he can transform the average synagoguegoer into a fighting machine, trained in unarmed combat and weapons.

“Jews are not like Christians,” he says. “If we turn our cheek, we are spinning around to make a kick.”