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School recognises my plight — after 70 years

June 5, 2008 23:00

BySimon Rocker, Simon Rocker

2 min read

Seventy years after being forced to sit at the back of her Austrian classroom, an 87-year-old woman has finally received an acknowledgement of her suffering from the school.

Katerina Fuchs of Hendon, North-West London, was 17 when the Germans marched into Austria in 1938, in what was known as the Anschluss, or annexation.

She and other Jewish pupils at the Radetskyschule in Vienna were separated from other students when the Nazis took over.

So Mrs Fuchs was surprised a few days ago when, out of the blue, a letter arrived at her home acknowledging this “dark chapter” in Austria’s history — and asking former pupils to get in touch to help the school pay tribute to persecuted students and teachers.