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Ron Paul's anti-Israel views revealed by ex-aide

December 28, 2011 10:13
Ron Paul

ByJennifer Lipman, Jennifer Lipman

1 min read

Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul has been facing criticism after a former staffer revealed the depth of his anti-Israel attitudes.

A former aide of the Texan politician, who previously sought the presidency as an independent candidate, claimed in a blog post that Mr Paul "wishes the Israeli state did not exist at all" and that he did not think the Holocaust was a reason for the US to fight in the Second World War.

Eric Dondero, writing on the RightWing News site, said in his time working for Mr Paul he had "never heard a racist word expressed towards Blacks or Jews come out of his mouth".

He said he was "absolutely" not antisemitic, and had no problems with American Jews, who he in fact "befriended" to gain political support. But he said Mr Paul was "most certainly anti-Israel, and anti-Israeli in general".