
Romanian singer slammed for tasteless photo shoot at Holocaust memorial

Fans react angrily to thoughtless choice for photo opportunity

September 6, 2017 13:13
1 min read

Australian-born Romanian pop singer Xonia has drawn fire for a profoundly tasteless choice of venue for her latest photo shoot.

The former beauty queen, whose latest single Jiggling was released at the end of August, published on her Instagram and Facebook pages the results of a photo-shoot at the Holocaust Memorial in Bucharest.

The images, captioned “Quit complaining and boss up” and “Focus on your goal, don’t look in any direction but ahead”, are liberally tagged with references to fashion designers and make-up artists but carry no sign of the creators having given any thought to the meaning of the memorial.

In the images, Xonia, born Loredana Sachelaru, is wearing a revealing outfit and posing provocatively for the camera.

Comments are disabled on the singer’s official Instagram page but on Facebook, where fans are still able to post their reactions, there has been an angry response.

The Holocaust Memorial in Bucharest, which was unveiled in 2009, was built on the site of the old Ministry for Internal Affairs.

The monument, which was created by the artist Peter Jacobi, is dedicated to the memory of the hundreds of thousands of Romanian Jews who were persecuted and killed by the Romanian authorities during that country’s alliance with Nazi Germany.

The singer has still not removed the images from Instagram despite the strongly negative reaction.

The ill-conceived publicity images are likely to do little to aid her to-date somewhat undistinguished music career.