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Relatives’ anger after Paris restaurant bombers revealed to have struck secret pact with French government

Authorities reportedly agreed not to prosecute the 1982 Rosiers Street killers if Abu Nidal's group pledged not to attack French targets again

August 12, 2019 08:39
Jacqueline Niego at a memorial service in 2018

ByShirli Sitbon, Shirli Sitbon Paris

2 min read

For almost four decades Jacqueline Niego had hoped that her brother’s killers would eventually be tracked down to face justice.

On August 9, 1982, André Niego was in Jo Goldenberg’s restaurant, then a popular Jewish venue, when at least three Palestinians detonated a grenade and opened fire on the people inside, killing six people and wounding two dozen others.

Like every year on August 9, Jaqueline marked the event last Friday too, but this time, commemorations were different.

Jacqueline has recently learnt that after the attack French authorities sealed a secret pact with the Palestinian group that is believed to have carried out the attack. The news broke out on the day of the memorial.