
Pro-Palestinians mount protest as Paris hosts Tel Aviv beach day

August 14, 2015 11:22
(Picture: Anadou Agency)

ByNaomi Firsht, Naomi Firsht

1 min read

A rival “Gaza beach” was set up in Paris as pro-Palestinians protested against a Tel Aviv-themed beach day yesterday.

Around 100 pro-Palestinians chanted “Palestine will live” and wore “boycott Israel” T-shirts as they protested at the Paris Plage urban beach on the banks of the river Seine.

The demonstration followed a week of online outrage at the event called “Tel Aviv sur Seine”.

Hundreds of extra police were called to patrol the one-day Tel Aviv event, which included Israeli music, food and games and attracted around 100 people.

An online petition urging Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo to cancel it gathered more than 24,000 signatures.

Ms Hidalgo said she supported the event and invited Parisians to “come in droves”.

Prime Minister Manuel Valls also tweeted his support.

The Paris Plage, which has become a popular summer tradition in the city, hosts events throughout the month of August.