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‘People should be more stressed about a Le Pen win’

While Macron is well ahead in the polls, French Jews feel this is no time for complacency

May 5, 2017 13:42
Ms Le Pen emerging from a polling booth

ByClaire Cantor, Claire Cantor

1 min read

It’s a very unsettling time for Jews in France. Painful family memories mean that even the younger generation are getting involved in the political debate and questioning their future in the country.

Although the polls are indicating a clear victory for Emmanuel Macron, young French Jews feel there is no room for complacency.

Antoine Levy, 24, is a PhD candidate at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He will vote by proxy on Sunday.

He said: “I feel people are not as stressed as they should be about Le Pen getting in, she appears to be trying to win the Jewish vote by saying that Islamist extremists are the real problem. For my Jewish friends, voting ‘blanc’ is not an option. They are essentially afraid of Le Pen.”