
Passengers told that ‘cancer Jews’ should alight

Alleged incident took place on a service heading towards Mechelen in Belgium

December 11, 2020 10:25
A train pulling into Mechelen station in 2016
1 min read

A railway company in Belgium has launched an investigation after a perpetrator gained access to a train’s intercom system and allegedly blared antisemitic messages to passengers.

The incident is alleged to have occurred Wednesday afternoon aboard a train headed to Mechelen, a city in northern Belgium.

A spokesman for the railway operator, NMBS, strongly condemned the incident and said four suspects fled the scene at Mechelen station.

According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, the announcement made in Flemish included a threat to bomb the train unless “cancer Jews” alighted. 

But the railway company denied claims an explicit bomb threat was made. 

The spokesman said: "We will investigate how the perpetrator was able to access the secured speaker system. 

"The incident was immediately reported to the railway’s security service.

"Arriving in the intermediary station of Mechelen, next stop after leaving Antwerp, four suspects were seeing jumping off the train and hurrying away."