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Paris erupts in hate…

January 30, 2014 19:03

ByNatasha Lehrer, Natasha Lehrer

3 min read

Horrifying footage has emerged of anti-government demonstrators in Paris chanting “Juif, la France n’est pas pour toi” (“Jew, France is not for you”) on the eve on International Holocaust Memorial Day last Sunday.

The thousands of demonstrators, drawn from a variety of far-right and fascist movements, together with a number of Catholic opponents of gay marriage, Dieudonné supporters, and members of a modern day Pétainist movement.

They were taking part in a “Day of Anger” to demand the resignation of President François Hollande. Many carried French flags, and the sounds of the Marseillaise could be heard on the streets throughout the day, interspersed with chants including “Europe gay criminal Zionist”, and “Hollande or the Crif, who is leading who?”

Journalists were another target of the furious crowd, who chanted “Nazi state, collaborationist media” and chased television crews away.