
Palestinian-Jewish youth organisation launched in Sweden

February 12, 2015 11:45

ByNathalie Rothschild, Nathalie Rothschild

1 min read

A Damascus-born Swede plans to launch a Palestinian-Jewish youth organisation in Sweden.

“I want to gain better knowledge of Jews and I want them to have a better understanding of me and other Palestinians. My plan is to start seminars where we can build mutual respect. Then, I would like us to travel to Israel and Palestine together to show young people there what we’ve achieved and to inspire them to do the same,” said Mohammed Mouaid, 32.

Mr Mouaid has already invited Sweden’s Jewish Youth Association to take part in a May event in which young people and politicians will meet to listen to lectures about Swedish minorities. Referring to a recent TV documentary about antisemitism in Malmö, Mr Mouaid said it was unacceptable that Jews were being “violated on the street”.