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Palestinian Authority faces grilling by UN Committee Against Torture

The committee is considering Palestinian compliance with the UN convention against torture and other cruel forms of punishment

July 19, 2022 11:28
Palestinians take part in a protest following the death of Palestinian human rights activist Nizar Banat who died a short time after being arrested by Palestinian Authority, in the West Bank city of Ramallah, on June 24, 2021. Photo by Flash90
2 min read

Representatives from the Palestinian Authority (PA) will appear today in front of the United Nations’ (UN) Committee Against Torture, which is considering Palestinian compliance with the UN convention against torture and other cruel forms of punishment.

Palestinian interior minister and former intelligence commander Ziad Hab al-Reeh, long-time chief of the Preventive Security agency, is leading a delegation of 17 officials from Ramallah appearing in front of the committee.

Geneva-based human rights organisation UN Watch presented a report to the 10-member committee on Monday, which alleges the “severe persecution and ostracism” of LGBTQ+ people, the “routine” torture of prisoners, and the persecution of “collaborators” with Israel, such as those who sell land to Jews.

One of the examples cited by UN Watch is an incident in May 2021 where PA security forces arrested dozens of activists and students considered critical of the PA, and were allegedly taken to a Jericho prison reportedly known as the “slaughterhouse,” allegedly accused of “stirring up sectarian and racial strife” and subjected to torture.