
Now it’s the turn of SlutWalk to ban Jews

Protest group follows Chicago Dyke March in blocking LGBT flags that bear Star of David

July 24, 2017 11:16
People participate in the Slut Walk demonstration, in Philadelphia, on Saturday, Aug. 6, 2011. (AP Photo)
1 min read

The organisers of Chicago’s SlutWalk have announced their support for Chicago Dyke March, which threw Jews out of its march last month for carrying LGBT Pride flags bearing a Star of David.

SlutWalk announced it would also ban participants from marching with “Zionist displays” at its August protest at Lake Shore Park.

The group claimed on Twitter that the decision was rooted in anti-Zionism, not antisemitism.

“We still stand behind @DykeMarchChi’s decision to remove the Zionist contingent from their event, & we won’t allow Zionist displays at ours,” it said.

The group describes itself as “an international movement that fights rape culture, victim blaming, and slut shaming”.

Organisers of June’s Chicago Dyke March banned flags bearing the Star of David, claiming they were “offensive”.

Several Jews were asked to leave after being told their flags “made people feel unsafe”.

SlutWalk was started in 2011 in Toronto, Canada, after a police officer suggested women should avoid dressing like sluts in order to keep them from becoming victims of sexual assault.