
Not just a gadget: rabbi gives Google Glass higher purpose

June 7, 2013 08:00
A student in Stanford wearing the Google Glass

ByAnna Sheinman, Anna Sheinman

1 min read

Entrepreneurs around the world are rapidly coming up with ways to make money out of Google Glass, the IT company's new computerised spectacles.

One canny rabbi at the University of Stanford in California has also embraced the new gadget, but with a very different objective - to help students bind tefillin.

Rabbi Dov Greenberg, executive director of Chabad Stanford, who often runs a tefillin stand on campus, set up a special "Google Glass tefillin stand" last week. Students were invited to wrap tefillin and use the Google Glass to read the blessing.

Rabbi Greenberg said: "It was fabulous, beyond expectations. We had triple the normal amount of people, 40 people wanted to wrap tefillin - normally it's a dozen."

The rabbi had borrowed the £1,100 Google Glass from a student. He said: "A student who attends Chabad had just bought one and he was telling me about it, saying 'I feel guilty, it's an indulgence'. I said: 'Don't feel guilty, it's useful, and it can be used for a higher purpose', so that's how this came about."