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No pensions for Chernobyl workers in Israel

September 18, 2009 12:27
Workers promise to ‘fulfil the government’s order’ to build an outer layer around the reactor in 1996. Now those living in Israel have no pensions

ByAnonymous, Anonymous

1 min read

Israel’s immigration minister, Sofa Landver, ended a visit to the Ukraine this week without managing to settle the contentious issue of pensions for immigrants to Israel.

Unlike Russians living in Israel, who receive their full pensions from the Russian government, Ukrainian olim do not receive any funds. This includes a large number of men who took part in the cleanup of the Chernobyl nuclear plant after the reactor accident in 1996 and suffer from ill health as a result.

In May 2008, Israel and Ukraine signed an agreement guaranteeing Ukrainian pensions for anyone who made aliyah after August 24, 1991 — the day Ukraine declared independence. According to the agreement, 23,000 Ukrainian pensioners were due to start receiving payments on January 1, 2009.

However, the agreement is yet to be ratified by the Ukrainian parliament.