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New York's Orthodox Jews hire billboards attacking The New York Times

Agudath Israel of America organised the campaign, accusing the paper of demonising Orthodox and Chasidic communities 'thirteen times in three and a half months'

January 8, 2023 13:01
Agudath Israel of America New York City
2 min read

An Orthodox Jewish group has launched a billboard campaign against the New York Times over its recent coverage of the city’s private yeshiva schools.

Agudath Israel of America has put up at least three billboards in Midtown Manhattan, accusing the paper’s recent investigations into the schools as being “misleading, and grossly distorted” that threatens their way of life.

According to the movement’s website,, “Antisemitism, especially against Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, is on the rise - from celebrities and athletes to brazen attacks on the streets. Netflix relishes anti-Orthodox Jewish content. A major newspaper launching a campaign against a minority group is always wrong. In this climate, it is deeply concerning.”

One billboard claims The New York Times wrote 12 articles “against Orthodox Jews” in the last three months.