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New Argentinian banknote depicting ‘admirer of Hitler’ condemned

1940s health minister Ramón Carrillo also allegedly employed SS officer and concentration camp doctor Carl Vaernet

June 3, 2020 14:34
The new banknote featuring Mr Carillo
1 min read

The Argentine central bank has been condemned for the decision to issue a banknote depicting a former health minister and “admirer of Hitler”.

The new 5,000 peso note features Ramón Carrillo, who despite being the architect of the nation’s health service in the 1940s, allegedly employed SS officer Dr Carl Vaernet, who conducted medical experiments on homosexuals in concentration camps.

The Latin American chapter of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, a Jewish human rights organisation, slammed the decision.

Dr. Shimon Samuels and Ariel Gelblung, directors of the Centre’s Latin America chapter said in a joint statement: “We emphatically reject the choice of such a character, that will sully Argentina with his image on its highest-denomination banknote.”