Al-Ahram, Egypt’s largest media publishing company, had long been considered the official voice of Egypt’s ruling class. Over the last two years, however, following the toppling of former president Hosni Mubarak, the newspaper seemed to be gaining a greater degree of independence and, with it, a newfound level of authority.
Now it seems that the new Muslim Brotherhood government in Cairo has picked up the practices of the old regime with the forcing-out of Hani Shukrallah, the veteran editor of Ahram Online, the most influential English-language website in Egypt and Al-Ahram’s voice to the world.
Mr Shukrallah claimed this week that he had been pushed out by the paper’s new chairman, a Brotherhood appointee.
Mr Shukrallah’s ouster is just one of a long series of changes that have been orchestrated by the Brotherhood, — known in Arabic as the Ikhwan — in order to tighten its hold on the reins of power.