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Museum 'killer' extradited for trial in Belgium

July 31, 2014 11:15
Accused shooter Nemmouche
1 min read

Mehdi Nemmouche, the French-Algerian jihadist believed to have shot dead four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels on May 24, was transferred to Belgium on Tuesday to stand trial, having been held in Paris for almost two months.

Nemmouche, 29, is thought to have fled to Amsterdam after the massacre. He was eventually arrested on May 30 on a bus in Marseilles.

Whether Nemmouche was found by pure chance or as a result of a coordinated European police investigation is not clear. At any rate, he was carrying weapons similar to those used in Brussels at the time of his arrest.

Ever since his arrest in Marseilles, Nemmouche has refused to answer questions from the French judges, presumably on the advice of his French-Cameroonian lawyer, Apolin Pepiezep.