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Mandela: Pogrom memory drew us to his battle


December 12, 2013 09:41
Albie Sachs, who fought apartheid with Mandela (Photo: Getty Images)

ByMarcus Dysch, Marcus Dysch

1 min read


Albie Sachs was part of the anti-apartheid movement and was briefly jailed for his activism. Sachs survived a car-bombing carried out by apartheid regime henchmen in Mozambique in 1988 and continued to campaign. He was appointed as a judge on South Africa’s Constitutional Court by Mandela in 1994. He spoke to the JC about “the struggle” and his rapport with Mandela.

“I worked very closely with Nelson Mandela when I was in the underground resistance.

“We were literally underground one time, in the basement of a house. We were all standing around waiting for someone to arrive. In came the tall figure of Mandela. He had that broad smile and looked so serene. It was encouraging to feel his strength and serenity. He had this calmness in the most difficult circumstances. We all had huge admiration for him.