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Macron leads Hyper Cacher memorial ten years after murders

French government commits to more focus into antisemitic acts carried out in universities

January 13, 2025 16:34
President Emmanuel Macron and Mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo outside the Hyper Cacher supermarket during commemorations marking 10 years since an Islamist attack on the Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper and Hyper Cacher Jewish supermarket (Getty Images)
2 min read

French Jews have faced an explosion in the number of antisemitic incidents since the October 7 massacre in Israel, but the ten-year commemoration of the attack on the Hyper Cacher supermarket on January 9 2015 brought home how serious the threat is.

Security for the memorial for the Charlie Hebdo magazine shooting on January 7 was tight, but it was of a different order of magnitude for the Hyper Cacher memorial. Even Jewish and neighbourhood residents were prevented by police from entering the area. “Only victims, officials or journalists with special authorisation can attend” said police officers.

“Look up, on rooftops. You can see the snipers, can’t you,” said one member of the security forces. “The public was able to approach the Charlie Hebdo memorial, but not this one. There have been many terror alerts due to the war in the Middle East.”

Armed men were positioned on buildings on both sides of Porte de Vincennes avenue, where the minimarket is located. French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister François Bayrou both attended the memorial, which made the event even more sensitive.

