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Lieberman causes uproar over Obama health bill

November 24, 2016 20:49

ByNathan Guttman, Nathan Guttman

2 min read

Full page ads in Jewish newspapers and banners popping up on Jewish community websites made it clear that Senator Joseph Lieberman, once an icon of Jewish politics, is now at odds not only with his former Democratic Party, but also with his own Jewish community.

Mr Lieberman, who now defines himself as an independent but is part of the Democratic caucus, holds the key vote in passing President Obama’s ambitious healthcare reform plan. Being the 60th vote on the floor, Mr Lieberman’s vote is crucial, since falling short of a 60-vote majority would allow Republicans to filibuster the bill and derail the entire legislative process.

Mr Lieberman, a fiscal conservative who has broken with Democrats in the past on many issues, opposes the proposed bill and has refused to support it unless it is stripped of any measure that could increase government involvement in running the country’s failed healthcare system.

This approach has made the Connecticut senator the epicentre of attention and political pressure. Mr Lieberman’s opponents accused him of serving the interest of big medical insurance companies that are based in his home state and of trying to use his position as the deciding vote to gain political capital.