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K is for Kaballah in Korean pop hit

Stellar, one of K-pop’s raunchiest female acts, have released a surprising new single that delves into the world of Kabbalistic mysticism and numerology

August 17, 2017 09:54
2 min read

Have you ever heard a Korean pop (or “K-pop”) song  and wondered what they were singing about?

Perhaps Psy’s ubiquitous Gangnam Style, or anything by boyband BTS (the first Korean act to feature in the UK album chart) mystified you.

If you guessed love, heartbreak and other standard pop themes, you would usually be right. But one South Korean girl group has decided to buck the trend, taking inspiration for their latest release from centuries-old Jewish mystical texts.

Until recently,  Stellar were known as one of K-pop’s raunchiest female acts. But the group’s latest chart smash, Archangels of the Sepiroth, has instead taken the group deep into the world of Kabbalistic mysticism and numerology.