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Journalists admit they fear Hamas

November 24, 2016 23:16
Barbati tweeted about ‘retaliation’

ByAdi Schwartz, Adi Schwartz

2 min read

ANALYSISSitting in my living room for the last month and watching European and US TV coverage of the war was a confusing experience.

While sirens were going off in my Tel Aviv suburb, I never saw Palestinians firing rockets. In fact, I never saw any armed men in Gaza - only epic scenes of destruction. And yes, lots of children and elderly women.

That is a bit odd, given the fact that Palestinians have launched some 3,000 rockets, killed more than 60 Israelis and wounded hundreds. But who shot the rockets? Who was killing Israeli soldiers? While we saw Israeli tanks manoeuvring near the border, we never saw Palestinian combatants.

Foreign journalists who left Gaza this week admitted the obvious: Hamas controlled every image coming out of their territory, not allowing photographers and reporters to document military activity, or even show wounded Hamas men in hospitals.