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Johannesburg university queries Israel link

May 27, 2010 14:15

ByMoira Schneider, Moira Schneider

1 min read

The Middle East conflict is once again centre stage in South Africa as the University of Johannesburg (UJ) considers breaking its ties with Israel's Ben Gurion University (BGU) over its alleged association with human rights abuses of Palestinians.

The UJ senate debated the issue last Monday and has resolved that it should be considered by a committee, led by UJ deputy vice-chancellor Adam Habib, for the purpose of making recommendations within three months.

The current relationship began last August, with an agreement to co-operate on the issue of water purification and micro-algal bio-technology research. But two months later, academic staff at UJ signed a petition opposing the development.

"The Palestinian people are currently victims of an Israeli occupation, which violates their human rights as well as international law. Their plight has been repeatedly compared with that of black South Africans under apartheid," it said.