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Jews join Muslims in fighting back against rioters as South Africa burns

In Durban a number of suburbs where Jewish community live were caught in the maelstrom of destruction

July 22, 2021 10:10
2G7H9FF A general view of the burning warehouse after violence erupted following the jailing of former South African President Jacob Zuma, in Durban, South Africa, July 14, 2021. REUTERS/Rogan Ward

As the dust settles on the violence and destruction that that spread through two South African provinces last week, many local Jews helped get supplies to those in need or donned their overalls to help clean up and rebuild what was destroyed. What looked like the start of a civil war turned out to be an orchestrated attack to destabilise the country. After the week-long mayhem, the situation has mostly returned to calm.

Many Johannesburg and Capetonian Jews have joined communal organisations in raising funds and distributing essentials to their counterparts in KwaZulu-Natal, who were the hardest hit by the rioting.

In Durban (in the KwaZulu-Natal province), a number of suburbs where the under 3,800-strong Jewish community live were caught in the maelstrom of destruction.

Shopping centres — where they shop and owned stores — were trashed and looted, leaving families unable to buy necessities.